View the full calendar to see all the exciting events we have happening in the next few weeks and months!
The goal of the Clearwater School Foundation is to promote the educational excellence in the Clearwater School system by generating resources from private funds to improve facilities, equipment, and programs for the benefit of the students, faculty and organizations. The Foundation is committed to future fundraising that will result in grants for teachers and other projects that will benefit the educational environment of Clearwater R-I schools. Alumni and other community members can contribute to this effort through tax-deductible donations, memorials, and honorariums, etc.
Academic Excellence
We are dedicated to providing a rigorous and comprehensive educational experience that challenges and nurtures the intellect of every student.
Innovation & Future Readiness
We embrace innovation as a catalyst for educational excellence and future readiness.
Equity & Inclusion
We are committed to providing equitable opportunities for all students, valuing and celebrating their diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.
DESE Report - Choose 'Clearwater R-I' from the drop-down box
DESE Performance Report - Choose 'Clearwater R-I' from the drop-down box
Clearwater R-1 Sample and Testing Plan
Alternative Methods of Instruction Plan
In partnership with Boycom Internet, the Clearwater R-1 School District has made available 7 internet hotspots for district-owned Chromebook devices located at key locations within the communities that we serve. District-owned devices will automatically connect when brought within range of these spots. Internet access is only for school devices for educational purposes. All internet activity will be filtered/monitored just as it is on campus.
The following locations have kindly allowed the presence of these hotspots and our students while using them:
City of Piedmont: Handy Park, corner of Fir (B Hwy) and 1st Street
First Midwest Bank of Piedmont: South Main St., parking in South side lot
Old Walmart Parking Lot: Hwy HH across from the radio station
Old IGA Parking Lot: Rear Lot off French St.
Patterson Community Center: Parking area closest to highway
Clearwater Fire Dept. Dam Area (Redwood Acres) Station: Please park in the area to the left just inside the driveway by storage shed - PLEASE DO NOT block access to the building.
City of Mill Spring City Hall: Parking along Birch St. just up from City Hall or along 2nd St. across from City Hall
While at one of these locations, students are using a school resource and should conduct themselves with the same sense of respect and responsibility that is expected at school. Reports of misbehavior at these locations may be subject to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the student’s principal.
Alternative Methods of Instruction Plan
In partnership with Boycom Internet, the Clearwater R-1 School District has made available 7 internet hotspots for district-owned Chromebook devices located at key locations within the communities that we serve. District-owned devices will automatically connect when brought within range of these spots. Internet access is only for school devices for educational purposes. All internet activity will be filtered/monitored just as it is on campus.
The following locations have kindly allowed the presence of these hotspots and our students while using them:
City of Piedmont: Handy Park, corner of Fir (B Hwy) and 1st Street
First Midwest Bank of Piedmont: South Main St., parking in South side lot
Old Walmart Parking Lot: Hwy HH across from the radio station
Old IGA Parking Lot: Rear Lot off French St.
Patterson Community Center: Parking area closest to highway
Clearwater Fire Dept. Dam Area (Redwood Acres) Station: Please park in the area to the left just inside the driveway by storage shed - PLEASE DO NOT block access to the building.
City of Mill Spring City Hall: Parking along Birch St. just up from City Hall or along 2nd St. across from City Hall
While at one of these locations, students are using a school resource and should conduct themselves with the same sense of respect and responsibility that is expected at school. Reports of misbehavior at these locations may be subject to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the student’s principal.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Clearwater R-I School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Archie Derboven, Superintendent
200 Henry White Blvd.
Piedmont, MO 63957
573-223-7426, ext. 6